Healing Resources
The following books and organizations have helped us with our healing over the past several years.
Relentless-From Both Sides of the Veil, Tom Madsen
On Life After Death, Elizabeth Kubler Ross
On Grief and Grieving, Elizabeth Kubler Ross
Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl
Many Lives, Many Masters, Brian Weiss
Miracles Happen, Brian Weiss
Permission to Mourn, Tom Zuba
Spirited, Rebecca Rosen
All The Light Between Us, Laura Lynne Jackson
Companioning The Bereaved, Alan D. Wolfelt
A to Z Healing Toolbox, Susan Hannifin-MacNab
Messages, Bonnie McEneaney
A Year of Magical Thinking, Joan Didion
Life to Afterlife, Helping Parents Heal
The Book of Awakening, Mark Nepo
Life After Death, Dinesh D’Souza
Healing After Loss, Martha Whitmore Hickman
Today’s Gift-Daily Meditations for Families, Hazelden
Co-Creating at Its Best, a conversation between master teachers Dr. Wayne Dwyer and Esther Hicks
Staying Well With Guided Imagery/How to Harness the Power of Your Imagination for Health and Healing, Belleruth Naparstek
Helping Parents Heal: Helping Parents Heal
Helping Fathers Heal: Helping Parents Heal - Groups: Helping Fathers Heal
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Home | AFSP
The Helping Parents Heal website also provides additional resources including books, speaker presentations and mediums.